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and	mundane	tasks	for	salespeople.

2.	 Sell	better:	Create	a	better	buying	experience	for	customers	by	capturing
    buyer	context	and	making	that	context	available	to	salespeople	wherever
    they	are.	As	a	result,	salespeople	can	engage	buyers	with	the	most	helpful
    information	at	the	most	helpful	time.

  “Companies	should	strive	to	adopt	sales	technology	that	enables	better
  buying	for	customers	and	faster	selling	for	salespeople.”

In	this	chapter,	I	will	provide	detailed	descriptions	of	how	sales	acceleration
technology	benefited	our	sales	team	at	each	stage	of	the	sales	process.	As	of	the
writing	of	this	book,	I	had	teamed	up	with	one	of	our	most	talented	product
leaders	at	HubSpot,	Christopher	O'Donnell,	to	commercialize	this	sales
acceleration	technology	so	that	every	sales	team	could	benefit	from	our	insights.
The	first	application	that	originated	from	these	efforts	was	Sidekick,	available
for	free	at

Accelerate	Lead	Sourcing	with	Technology

One	of	the	most	time-consuming	steps	of	the	sales	process	is	simply	finding
qualified	buyers	to	call.	I	call	this	step	“lead	sourcing.”	Some	organizations
attempt	to	streamline	the	lead	sourcing	process	by	purchasing	lists	of	supposedly
“qualified	leads.”	Unfortunately,	these	efforts	typically	yield	a	list	of	bad
prospects,	many	of	whom	no	longer	even	work	at	the	companies	listed.

Other	organizations	subscribe	their	salespeople	to	data	sources,	equipping	their
salespeople	with	the	ability	to	filter	through	massive	amounts	of	contacts	to	find
the	perfect	prospect	to	call.	Sadly,	as	the	data	often	lacks	accuracy	and
comprehensiveness,	this	filtering	process	becomes	an	extremely	inefficient	use
of	the	salesperson's	time.

When	we	at	HubSpot	set	up	our	first	team	dedicated	to	sourcing	leads	and
making	proactive	calls	into	the	market,	we	made	these	same	mistakes.	After	a
number	of	frustrating	cycles	with	purchased	lists	and	data	source	subscriptions,
this	team	ultimately	resorted	to	simple	searches	in	Google.	These	salespeople
conducted	Google	searches	for	phrases	that	they	presumed	would	yield	a	list	of
“good-fit”	companies	for	the	HubSpot	service.

The	process	effectively	yielded	qualified	companies	on	which	to	call.	However,
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