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gave	them	a	demo.”	“Yes,	I	asked	if	they	have	budget.”

This	process	yields	a	seemingly	full	pipeline	of	activity.	However,	much	of	the
pipeline	gets	“stuck.”	The	pipeline	does	not	convert	to	customers	or	revenue.	In
reality,	the	pipeline	quality	is	fabricated.	It	is	not	real.

During	the	lead	engagement	process,	sales	technology	provides	tools	to	assist
buyers	with	their	natural	buying	journey,	not	jam	buyers	through	the
salesperson's	process.	Ideally,	the	stages	of	a	sales	opportunity	should	not	be
driven	by	actions	the	salesperson	takes	but	by	the	actions	the	buyer	takes.	Did
the	buyer	confirm	that	the	summary	of	the	discovery	call	was	accurate?	Did	the
buyer	open	up	the	proposal?	Did	a	VP-or	C-level	executive	attend	a	product
overview?	Has	someone	in	Finance	reviewed	the	ROI	study	assembled	by	the
salesperson?	These	actions	are	much	better	indicators	of	the	status	of	an
opportunity.	In	an	ideal	world,	these	buyer	actions	are	captured	by	the	sales
technology.	Opportunities	are	automatically	moved	forward	and	backward	as
buyer	action	or	inaction	is	captured.	This	process	eliminates	the	subjectivity	or
“gut	feel”	of	a	salesperson,	which	often	contaminates	the	accuracy	of	a	sales
pipeline	and	forecast.

Aligning	the	opportunity	stages	with	the	buying	journey	also	maximizes	the
likelihood	that	the	sales	team	is	in	lockstep	with	the	buyer	along	the	way.
Technology	can	assist	the	salesperson	with	this	alignment.	By	truly
understanding	both	the	buyer	persona	(e.g.,	Small	Business,	Mid-Market,
Enterprise)	and	the	buyer's	stage	in	their	journey	(e.g.,	Problem	Definition,
Solution	Education,	Solution	Selection),	technology	can	recommend	the
appropriate	collateral	to	share	with	the	buyer	to	help	accelerate	the	process.	If	a
salesperson	is	working	with	a	mid-sized	health	care	company	investigating	its
compliance	with	a	new	FDA	mandate,	what	is	the	most	appropriate	blog	article
or	ebook	or	webinar	that	the	salesperson's	company	has	produced	that	would
resonate	with	the	prospect's	specific	buyer	context?	If	a	salesperson	is	working
with	an	enterprise	manufacturing	company	looking	to	support	its	distribution
channel	with	a	digital	marketing	budget,	which	case	study	would	be	most	helpful
for	this	buyer	context?	As	companies	accelerate	their	content	production	efforts,
aligning	sales	collateral	with	buyer	states	represents	a	significant	opportunity	for
technology	to	improve	the	sales	process.	This	type	of	sales	acceleration	is
beneficial	to	both	the	buyer	and	the	seller.

Automated	Reporting	with	Technology
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