Page 148 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
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These	technology	use	cases	have	not	only	created	better	buying	experiences	for
customers	and	shortened	sales	cycles	for	salespeople,	but	also	automated	the
collection	of	critical	data	needed	to	manage	the	sales	organization	and	the
broader	company.	By	implementing	technology	that	actually	helps	the
salesperson,	adoption	rises	and,	in	turn,	the	integrity	of	the	data	becomes	far
more	accurate.

Sales	executives	gain	increased	visibility	into	the	answers	to	the	following

1.	 Is	our	pipeline	positioned	to	achieve	this	quarter's	target?

2.	 What	are	we	forecasting	for	total	revenue	this	quarter?

3.	 Is	our	“top	of	the	funnel”	activity	on	par	with	what	will	be	needed	to	set	us
    up	for	next	quarter?

4.	 Where	does	each	salesperson	rank	in	total	funnel	activity	(leads	sourced,
    voicemails,	connects,	discovery	calls,	presentations,	etc.)	by	day,	by	week,
    and	by	month?

5.	 How	does	a	salesperson's	current	activity	compare	to	her	historic

6.	 Is	the	sales	team	working	with	each	newly	generated	lead	in	accordance	with
    our	Sales	Service	Level	Agreement	(SLA)?

7.	 Are	there	any	leads,	especially	high-priority	leads	like	demo	requests	or	free
    trials,	slipping	through	the	cracks?

Marketers	gain	increased	visibility	into	the	answers	to	the	following	questions:

1.	 Are	the	leads	I	am	producing	being	worked	according	to	the	Sales	Service
    Level	Agreement?

2.	 Which	types	of	leads	are	accelerating	through	the	buyer	journey	and	which
    types	are	not?

3.	 Which	salespeople	are	most	effectively	leveraging	the	collateral	my	team	has
    made	available?

4.	 Which	collateral	produces	the	highest	level	of	prospect	engagement?	Are
    there	particular	slides	or	pages	that	are	popular?	Are	there	particular	slides	or
    pages	that	are	ignored?

5.	 Is	the	sales	team	using	the	latest	collateral?
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