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employees	to	feel	like	they	are	“CEO”	of	their	functional	area.	To	be	CEO,	they
need	a	full	picture	of	the	happenings	within	their	business.	As	such,	all	of	the
monthly	financials	were	made	available	to	every	employee.	They	were	reviewed
at	company	meetings.	They	were	posted	on	the	company	wiki.	The	tactical
priorities	of	the	overall	business	as	well	as	those	of	each	executive	were
published	on	the	wiki	and	reviewed	at	company	meetings.	Monthly	updates	on
progress	against	the	operational	plan	were	reported	to	the	entire	company.
Customer	happiness	was	measured	through	a	monthly	NPS	survey.	The	raw	data
and	summary	from	these	reports	were	shared	with	the	entire	company.	An
employee	NPS	was	conducted	once	per	quarter.	The	raw	data	and	summary	from
these	surveys	were	shared	with	the	entire	company.	The	company	wiki	itself	was
extremely	active.	The	executive	team	was	often	responding	to	questions	and
comments.	It	was	a	great	way	to	leverage	technology	and	flatten	the	steep
communication	pyramid	often	seen	in	more	archaic	organizations.

The	final	component	of	our	innovation	culture	was	the	solidification	of	an
“innovation”	career	track	at	the	organization.	I	saw	three	basic	career	tracks	that
employees	pursued	at	HubSpot.	One	track	was	the	leadership	track.	Once
functional	expertise	was	established,	these	employees	entered	into	leadership
training	and	started	to	pursue	management	opportunities	within	their	area	of	the
organization.	Another	direction	was	the	“functional	expert”	track.	Perhaps	the
employee	was	a	career	salesperson	that	really	wanted	to	grow	as	an	individual
contributor.	Perhaps	the	employee	was	a	career	engineer	that	wanted	to	grow	as
a	code	ninja.	We	were	proactive	about	establishing	well-defined,	attractive	paths
for	people	who	shared	these	aspirations.	The	third	approach	was	the
“innovation”	track.	These	employees	were	most	passionate	about	breaking	new
ground.	They	were	heavy	participants	in	the	hackathons,	wiki	threads,	and	other
innovation	programs.	Many	of	them	were	eventually	selected	to	lead	an
experiment.	Most	importantly,	if	and	when	they	succeeded,	they	established	a
new	trajectory	for	their	career	at	HubSpot.	Being	able	to	point	to	successful
leaders	in	the	organization	who	had	achieved	their	positions	via	the	innovation
track	was	key	to	our	culture's	credibility.

Best	Practices	of	Experiment	Execution

As	the	sales	team	grew	to	a	sizeable	level,	it	was	not	unusual	for	me	to	have
several	experiments	running	at	any	given	time.	We	ran	experiments	on	new
demand	generation	tactics,	potential	addressable	markets,	sales	methodologies,
and	new	products.	The	vibrant	HubSpot	partner	program,	our	aggressive
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