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4.	 Assemble	the	team:	Most	experiments	require	a	team	to	run,	especially	in
   sales.	I	strongly	urge	you	to	assign	at	least	two	people	to	every	experiment.	I
   also	recommend	you	choose	top	performers,	rather	than	average	performers,
   to	be	part	of	the	experiment.	What	I	am	looking	for	in	the	first	experiment
   phase	is	a	“true	negative.”	If	I	put	two	top	sales	performers	on	the
   experiment	and	the	experiment	fails,	there	is	a	high	probability	that	the	idea
   wasn't	feasible.	If	two	of	our	top	people	could	not	pull	it	off,	how	could	we
   roll	this	out	to	the	broader	team?	On	the	other	hand,	if	I	put	one	average
   salesperson	on	the	experiment	and	I	don't	see	promising	results,	I	haven't
   necessarily	learned	anything.	Did	the	experiment	fail	because	I	had	the
   wrong	person	involved	or	did	it	fail	because	it	was	not	a	feasible	idea?
   Execute	the	first	phase	of	the	experiment	with	multiple	top	performers	and
   look	for	“true	negatives.”

5.	 Establish	routine	check-ins:	Set	expectations	on	how	often	the	company	will
   evaluate	the	progress	of	the	experiments.	We	held	a	monthly	experiment
   meeting	with	senior	leadership	to	review	data.	The	experiment	leader,	along
   with	her	team,	would	have	30	minutes	to	present	their	progress	and	address
   questions	from	the	executive	team.	If	progress	was	weak,	there	might	be	a
   decision	made	to	discontinue	funding.	If	success	was	apparent,	there	might
   be	additional	funding	allocated	or	expansion	plans	discussed.

 To	Recap

      Great	teams	have	a	core	philosophy	of	continual	improvement.	A	key
      ingredient	to	the	sales	acceleration	formula	is	fostering	a	culture	of

      A	key	role	of	the	executive	team	is	to	set	up	a	culture	around	innovation,
      rather	than	generate	all	of	the	big	ideas	themselves.

      Follow	a	specific	formula	for	experiment	execution	so	that	you	can	be
      confident	your	experiments	are	efficient	and	effective.
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