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or	even	hundreds	of	other	products	they	are	expected	to	resell.

The	other	major	issue	with	a	partner	strategy	is	the	lack	of	a	feedback	cycle	from
the	partner's	front	line	to	your	product	team	and	executives.	It	is	rare	that	a
startup	nails	its	product-market	fit	right	out	of	the	gate.	As	a	startup	initially
develops	its	own	sales	muscle,	the	most	valuable	outputs	of	that	muscle	are	not
necessarily	the	early	customers	and	revenue	that	is	generated.	Instead,	the	most
valuable	output	is	the	learnings	from	the	prospective	buyers.	The	more	effective
the	team	is	at	understanding	the	needs	and	preferences	of	its	addressable	market
and	communicating	that	information	back	to	the	company	to	iterate	on	the
product,	pricing,	and	packaging,	the	more	likely	the	startup	is	to	achieve
product-market	fit	and	accelerate.	When	sales	is	run	through	an	outside	partner
channel,	a	lot	of	that	feedback	is	lost.	Often	these	partner	salespeople	are	not
physically	or	emotionally	connected	to	your	company.	They	have	little	incentive
to	capture	feedback	from	prospective	buyers	and	communicate	it	back	to	the

I	agreed	wholeheartedly	with	this	insight	and	appreciated	the	advice	from	our
advisors,	but	Pete	was	both	passionate	and	persistent	about	starting	a	partner
program	at	HubSpot.	Furthermore,	there	was	our	desire	to	foster	an	“innovation”
culture	where	great	ideas	from	our	smart	employees	were	valued	and	evaluated.
I	told	Pete	that	if	he	hit	120	percent	of	his	quarterly	goal,	he	could	start
experimenting	with	VAR.

Needless	to	say,	Pete	did	it.

The	next	quarter,	we	set	up	the	experiment.	We	agreed	that	Pete	would	continue
to	be	held	responsible	for	his	quota	responsibilities,	but	we	would	give	him	a	bit
of	funding	for	the	VAR	experiment,	which	he	would	run	as	a	nights	and
weekends	effort.	The	goal	of	the	experiment	was	to	explore	whether	we	could
leverage	VARs	to	acquire	new	customers	at	an	attractive	cost	and	who	would	be
successful	using	the	HubSpot	software.	Success	of	the	experiment	was	defined
as	five	new	customers	acquired	through	one	or	more	VARs.	All	five	customers
needed	to	have	the	HubSpot	software	set	up	and	log	in	to	the	platform	at	least
once	per	week	for	the	first	month.

Pete	did	it	again.

The	next	quarter,	we	made	the	VAR	program	Pete's	full-time	job.	We	gave	him	a
marketing	budget	and	set	him	off	with	a	new	set	of	goals.	He	hit	the	next	set	of
goals.	We	increased	the	marketing	budget	and	gave	him	budget	to	hire	two
dedicated	salespeople.	The	program	was	ready	to	scale.
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