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As	time	progressed,	we	measured	his	VAR	channel	just	like	the	rest	of	the
business.	For	you	SaaS	experts	out	there,	we	measured	LTV/CAC,	payback
period,	salesperson	productivity,	customer	retention,	and	a	few	other	metrics.
The	results	were	phenomenal.

Six	years	later,	Pete	oversaw	a	VAR-focused	team	of	100	cross-functional
employees	and	was	responsible	for	a	significant	amount	of	HubSpot's	monthly
new	revenue	generation.

Imagine	if	we	had	never	given	Pete	that	shot.	The	VAR	experiment	is	an
amazing	example	of	a	simple,	contained,	and	relatively	cheap	bet	with	the
potential	for	enormous	gains.	Fortunately,	in	our	case,	those	gains	were	realized.


As	I	mentioned	in	Chapter	5,	the	first	qualifying	matrix	we	used	at	HubSpot	was
BANT	(Budget,	Authority,	Need,	Timing).	As	we	reviewed	sales	opportunity
after	sales	opportunity,	it	became	apparent	that,	in	our	context,	the	“N”	in	BANT
(“Need”)	had	become	the	most	important	component	of	the	discovery	process.
HubSpot	salespeople	who	established	a	strong	“Need”	with	their	prospective
buyers	had	very	high	lead-to-customer	conversion	rates.

A	well-developed	“Need”	sounded	like	this:	“The	buyer	is	adding	two
salespeople	in	Q4	and	needs	to	increase	lead	flow	by	20	percent	by	the	start	of
the	quarter	in	order	to	support	the	sales	expansion.	If	they	do	not	increase	lead
flow,	the	new	salespeople	will	need	to	resort	to	cold	calling,	which	has	been
unsuccessful	for	the	team	in	the	past.	The	expanded	sales	team	will	likely	fail	at
accelerating	customer	acquisition	if	the	company	does	not	increase	lead	flow

Some	of	our	salespeople	did	not	develop	“Need”	well.	These	salespeople	had
much	lower	lead-to-customer	conversion	rates.	They	failed	to	understand	their
prospects'	needs	beyond	the	surface	level.	When	I	would	ask	these	salespeople
about	the	needs	they	had	uncovered,	they	responded	generically,	“The	buyer
needs	more	leads,	just	like	everyone	else.”	No	kidding!	Why?	How	many?	How
did	they	come	up	with	that	number?	What	happens	if	they	do	not	generate	more
leads?	Where	does	increasing	lead	flow	fit	on	their	overall	priority	list?	If	our
salespeople	didn't	have	these	answers,	it	was	a	bad	sign.

A	few	years	into	the	business,	we	were	struggling	to	develop	effective	“Need”
discovery	with	some	of	our	salespeople.	A	different	approach	was	necessary.	As
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