Page 144 - The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million -
P. 144

Ten	clicks.	Ten	minutes.	Ten	leads	sourced!

Using	the	old	process,	it	took	a	full	business	day	to	source	50	new	leads.	Using
the	Sidekick	technology,	sourcing	50	leads	took	less	than	one	hour.	That	is	sales
acceleration!	Less	admin	work.	More	time	interacting	with	prospects.	More	time

Sales	technology	can	also	create	a	better	buying	experience	for	customers
throughout	their	buyer	journey.	Once	a	company	is	added	as	a	lead	in	the	CRM,
the	sales	technology	enriches	the	lead	with	useful	context	about	the	buyer.	If	that
buyer	had	any	prior	engagement	with	our	company,	such	as	a	visit	to	our
website,	an	opening	of	one	of	our	marketing	emails,	or	a	download	of	an	ebook,
that	information	would	be	automatically	added	to	the	lead.	Any	recent	activity
that	the	buyer	had	in	social	media	would	also	be	automatically	added	to	the	lead
record.	This	contextual	information	provided	guidance	to	our	salespeople	about
the	lead's	specific	interests.	The	salesperson	would	then	be	in	a	position	to
engage	the	buyer	in	a	more	helpful	way.

  “Sales	technology	creates	better	buying	experiences	for	customers	by
  capturing	customer	context	and	making	that	context	readily	available	to

Accelerate	Sales	Prospecting	with	Technology

Once	the	salesperson	finds	a	list	of	companies	to	call,	he	attempts	to	connect
with	these	companies,	leaving	a	stream	of	voicemails	and	emails.	Most
organizations	call	this	process	“sales	prospecting.”

As	salespeople	begin	their	prospecting	process,	many	of	them	sort	their	list	of
companies	according	to	last	activity	date	or,	even	worse,	based	on	alphabetical
order.	As	the	salesperson	leaves	voicemails	and/or	sends	emails,	the	only
personalization	in	the	message	is	the	contact	and	company	name.	Aside	from
those	basic	details,	every	touch	represents	the	same	elevator	pitch.	You	have
probably	been	on	the	receiving	end	of	plenty	of	these	spam	attempts.	Have	you
ever	found	one	compelling?	Despite	the	market's	resistance	to	this	technique,	it
amazes	me	how	many	sales	organizations	take	this	approach.

Better	salespeople	layer	in	additional	sophistication.	Rather	than	simply	calling
their	leads	in	alphabetical	order	or	based	on	their	last	attempt	date,	they	establish
a	strategic	cadence	based	on	the	quality	of	the	lead	they	are	calling.	These
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