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the	time	investment	needed	to	source	these	companies	was	unsustainable.	Here
is	how	the	process	worked:

1.	 Conduct	a	Google	search	for	a	phrase	that	yields	qualified	companies	for	the
    HubSpot	service.

2.	 Click	through	to	the	first	company	that	looks	interesting.

3.	 Scan	the	website	to	verify	whether	the	company	appears	to	be	qualified	for
    the	HubSpot	service.

4.	 If	the	company	appears	qualified,	search	for	the	company	in	our	CRM	to	see
    if	the	company	is	already	“owned”	by	another	salesperson.

5.	 If	the	company	is	not	already	owned	by	another	salesperson,	conduct
    research	online	to	find	the	key	executives	who	would	be	involved	in	the
    purchase	decision.

6.	 Conduct	additional	research	to	find	the	industry,	revenue,	territory,	and
    contact	information	for	the	company	and	its	executive	contacts.

7.	 Type	all	of	this	information	into	the	CRM.

Ten	clicks.	Ten	minutes.	One	lead	sourced.

That	is	a	lot	of	admin	work.

There	had	to	be	a	better	way.	There	had	to	be	a	way	for	technology	to	accelerate
this	lead	sourcing	process.

After	some	great	work	by	our	engineering	team,	we	were	able	to	evolve	our	lead
sourcing	process.	Here's	how	it	worked:

1.	 Conduct	a	Google	search	for	a	phrase	that	yields	qualified	companies	for	the
    HubSpot	service.

2.	 Click	through	to	the	first	company	that	looks	interesting.	All	of	the	data
    necessary	to	evaluate	the	company	appears	in	a	browser	sidebar	next	to	the
    company	website.	With	one	click,	the	data	can	be	added	to	the	CRM.

The	company	summary,	territory,	revenue,	key	executives,	existing	CRM
records,	account	ownership,	and	contact	history	are	instantly	available	to	the
salesperson	via	a	single	click.	As	a	bonus,	at	the	bottom	of	the	side	panel	is	a	list
of	companies	similar	to	the	company	being	evaluated.	If	our	salesperson	likes
the	lead	she	was	viewing,	the	salesperson	would	probably	like	five	similar	ones
as	well.	With	one	click,	the	salesperson	could	view	the	information	on	these
additional	companies	and	add	these	additional	leads	to	the	CRM.
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