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P. 85

Can I motivate other people?

       The manager is well advised to dismiss arguments of the “angels dancing
       on the head of a pin”-type about whether you can motivate others or
       whether they can only motivate themselves. Any manager at any organi-
       zational level has the responsibility to deliver a working environment in
       which people are motivated.

            n Do my people know what is expected of them and why it is

            n Do they receive feedback on performance that is timely and
                focused on actions rather than personality?

            n Do they work in an environment as free as possible of changing
                deadlines, changing priorities and interference with their ability to
                get on with the job?

            n If such an environment is not a practical possibility have I taken
                steps to ensure that those who work here are motivated by

            n Do they have the resources to do the job? (But see little case study

            n Do they experience a challenge that is inspirational, but not

            n Are they encouraged to set themselves challenging, but achievable

            n Do I know the individual members of my team well enough to
                understand what their best contribution is likely to be?

            n Do I understand what excites them in and out of work?
            n Do I constantly seek to offer them new challenges that are

                exciting, but within their capabilities?
            n Do I give people opportunities to use their key strengths in line

                with the needs of the business?
            n Do I encourage learning and the sharing of what is learned?
            n Do I act as a coach and trusted advisor to all my people?
            n Do I immediately recognize achievement and reward it?
            n Do I promote the achievements of my team to other executives as

                team achievements rather than assuming them for my own?
            n Do I ensure that my people get the salaries, status and promotions

                that they deserve?
            n Do I risk giving a little too much too soon rather than too little too

                late whether it is responsibility or reward?

54 Key management questions
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