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They didn’t like the new department. They felt that any darned fool could do the
job under these ideal circumstances. All the challenge, all the fun had gone out of
their lives. They had been reduced to being no better than anyone else. Next time I
decided that I knew what would motivate others I had learned the hard way to ask
myself “what motivates them now?” It can be a killer question.

How do I delegate effectively?

As an executive I always found delegation easy. All that I did was to hand
over the task and then push my poor subordinate out of the way so that I
could show him how it ought to be done. Let’s see what I have learned.
Today I might ask myself:

    n Have I clearly explained the importance of the task without over-
        stressing it?

    n Have I explained the desired outcome?
    n Have I told them of resources and support available to them?
    n Have I given them the freedom and the time to plan how to

        perform the task?
    n Have I encouraged them to explain their plan to me?
    n Have I checked that they really understand what is required?
    n Have I encouraged discussion of possible alternative approaches if

    n Have I explained how I approach the task without over-selling my

    n Have I let them use their own approach if we are clearly at one

        where the outcomes are concerned?
    n Am I realistic about my expectations?
    n Have I set challenging but realistic targets?
    n Have I explained any intermediate deadlines?
    n If I think it necessary have I set times for progress reports?
    n Have I warned them of those elements of the task sensitive to

        error or risk?
    n Have I stepped back and let them get on with it?
    n Am I ready to give help or advice only if they ask for it?
    n Do I give them encouragement from time to time?
    n After the task is complete am I prepared to give timely and

        constructive feedback?

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