Page 146 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 146

130 Part II: Sharpening Your Marketing Focus

                                 On the other hand, if your site is complex, you might ask for bids from two or
                                 three capable firms.

                                    1. Draw up a list of good Web site design firms.
                                        Ask business associates for the names of reputable Web site design com-
                                        panies. Also, look at the sites of local businesses. As you find ones you
                                        like, call and ask who created them.

                                    2. Narrow the list to those firms you want to consider.
                                        As you narrow your design firm choices, call each one and ask for a list
                                        of sites they have designed. As you view the sites, if you can’t figure
                                        them out or don’t like the look, take the company’s name off your list.
                                        Focus on the companies that build sites you like and that you think your
                                        customers will understand.

                                    3. Ask for proposals from only a few design companies.
                                        Reach outside your local area if necessary to find the right talent, but do
                                        so realizing that communication over a distance may be harder and more
                                        time-consuming, and therefore more costly.

               Evaluating proposals

                                 As you evaluate proposals, consider the following:

                                    ߜ Did the company respond to your request? Did it meet your requested
                                        proposal delivery date? Did it address the specific topics you outlined?

                                    ߜ Do you understand what the company says it will provide? If not, ask for
                                        clarification. Assume nothing.

                                    ߜ Call references. Ask whether the firm was easy to work with, if it stuck to
                                        the budget, if it produced quality work, and what happened when prob-
                                        lems arose.

                                    ߜ Compare work samples.
                                    ߜ Clarify who will actually be doing the work and decide whether you have

                                        confidence in the talents and working style of that person.

               Signing a contract

                                 Most Web design firms will have a contract for you to sign, but if they don’t,
                                 make sure you have one created. The contract should cover the following:
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