Page 151 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 151

Chapter 10

  Mastering Advertising Basics
      and Media Planning

In This Chapter

ᮣ Using advertising to move the market to action
ᮣ Choosing the best media for your business
ᮣ Creating ad schedules

   Advertising is the stand-in mouthpiece for your business in the market-
                       place. It goes where you can’t — carrying your message into the homes,
                offices, televisions, computers, mailboxes, and car radios of your prospects
                and customers. When it is successful — when it is creative, entertaining, under-
                standable, and compelling — advertising goes even farther. Great advertising
                goes right into the minds and hearts of customers, which is where brands live
                and thrive.

                Contrary to popular belief, though, great advertising rarely makes the sale for
                your business. Advertising paves the way, but the sale happens later, after
                your prospect is motivated by your ad to call or visit your business, request
                more information, or buy your product.

                This chapter offers the information you need to set reasonable expectations
                for your advertising and to make wise media selections and placements. The
                field of advertising is baffling and complex, but the following pages should
                make it feel a whole lot less foreign.

Moving the Market through Advertising

                Ask any small-business person what advertising is and you’ll probably hear
                the word expensive somewhere in the answer. That’s because advertising is
                the means by which businesses, organizations, and individuals buy their way
                into prospects’ minds.
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