Page 115 - Visual Marketing
P. 115

Why It Works                             concept stunt with a digital billboard  allowed “[us to] stay in touch with
                                         and the power of social media is what   people and create a personal con-
“The campaign is experiential, inter-    engaged viewers and ultimately per-     nection between us and them during
active and involves social media in a    suaded donors to get involved.          the five days.”
major way,” explained Herndon. With
a webcam and a couple of laptops,        Community First Initiative partners     Heil told USA Today that money has
they blogged and tweeted as their
image flickered 50 feet above on          with local schools to provide special-  been harder to come by because of
a billboard along Interstate 65 and
streamed online via the      ized mentoring services for students.   the struggling economy. They needed
website. is the charitable
offspring of Redwall Live, an experien-  Even though the outdoor campout         to do something different to capture
tial marketing firm. They used social
media to spread the news of the          in the cold was unconventional,         the attention of potential donors. “It’s
event and garnered attention from
local press and from viewers online      the attention-getting stunt actually    worth doing whatever it takes to raise
throughout the world. By living out
this stunt and constantly communicat-    reinforces the core mission of CFI      money,” he added.
ing via Twitter, Facebook, and their
blogs, Heil and Herndon created an       of engaging the local community
urgency that encouraged people to
donate. They created nine-minute         to work together in the growth and      Success Metrics
webisodes that people could watch
online as well as “a day in the life”    development of the next generation.     • The Forkout for CFI raised $18,000.
videos. People could drive by and see    Heil said that the interactive event    • The campaign garnered great press
the van and the digital images on the
billboard. The combination of a live     Takeaway Tip                                      coverage for CFI in local
                                                                                           news, blogs, and an article

                                         Create a sense of urgency with a live daring      published in USA Today.
                                         stunt. Combine it with the power of social media  • An estimated online
                                         (blogging and sharing the experience on social
                                         media sites) along with a roadside billboard         audience of 150 to
                                         to attract attention. The end result: You draw       1,500 tuned in each
                                         people into an “experience,” and your message        day during the event.
                                         takes on deeper meaning and leads to action.         A total of 175 donors
                                                                                              contributed to the

                                         IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SI C A L W O R L D 94
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