Page 111 - Visual Marketing
P. 111

Why It Works                        Success Metrics                      Takeaway Tip

Cuppa Yo’s branding efforts       • Over the winter months, usually      Create a fun logo and brand identity that cus-
began long before it opened          slow in this industry, the com-     tomers associate with happiness and pleasant
its doors. It created not just a     pany averaged twice its initial     things. Encourage them to get engaged with
brand, but a culture that cus-       projections for sales.              your brand through witty messaging that says
tomers made their own through                                            the brand is about them. Customers will turn
social media, bumper stickers,    • After little over one year in busi-  your brand into a culture by displaying your
clothing, and community events.      ness, Cuppa Yo has more than        brand on bumper stickers, clothing, and else-
                                     5,400 active (near-fanatical) fol-  where in the community. The result? Word of
Customers began to associate         lowers on Facebook.                 mouth and rabidly loyal customers.
the orange logo and Cuppa Yo
in general with happiness. After  • Due to its phenomenal success,
all, who doesn’t love frozen         Cuppa Yo opened a second
yogurt?                              location ahead of plan.

                                  IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SI C A L W O R L D 90
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