Page 113 - Visual Marketing
P. 113

Why It Works                                                              Success Metrics

The key was to spend as much         to a host of pet publications, they  • Sales have increased each year
time designing the samplers as       are most proud of placements in         by 10 to 20 percent.
they did the actual products. The    Real Simple, Coastal Living, and
samplers have the lani—dig your      Southern Seasons. A quarter of       • The lani products are now sold
dog logo and a card that tells a     their sales are made online via         in more than 150 retail stores
story with a personal connection:    the lani website, with the bulk of      in the United States, Canada,
just because it’s a free giveaway    the sales being made through            Japan, and Europe.
doesn’t mean it should look or       targeted retailers. The samplers
feel cheap. In addition to creat-    have four primary uses: direct to    • The design has won numerous
ing a truly organic product, the     consumers, business-to-business,        awards, including the interna-
lani team spent a great deal of      charitable donations, and press         tional Hermes Creative Award,
time working with the Langton        promotion. “We’ve started a             which celebrates creative
Cherubino Group to perfect the       guerilla marketing campaign             design.
brand. O’Kuhn points out that        by giving away samples at the
once a great brand with a com-       Chelsea dog park in our neigh-       • They have given away 10,000
pelling story is established, there  borhood,” says O’Kuhn. Then             samplers and are now preparing
are many ways to promote it with     lani expanded its efforts in dog        to place another order.
social networking and online         parks all over Manhattan. Seeing
press services.                      how well the samplers worked          Takeaway Tip
                                     one-on-one, they began give-
Their goal was to expand the         aways in dog parks around the          Free does not mean cheap. Be sure to match
category and promote the prod-       country, from Boston to Dallas         the quality of your product in the promotional
uct outside the usual pet store      and as far away as Puerto Rico.        samples you give away. Pay as much attention
channels. That’s why in addition                                            to the design of your sample packaging as you
                                                                            do the packaging for the product itself, espe-
                                                                            cially for luxury or premium products.

                                     IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SI C A L W O R L D 92
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