Page 109 - Visual Marketing
P. 109

Why It Works                        enter to win an original signed
                                    Warhol lithograph. The cam-
The Nerland Agency consists         paign was designed to reach
of a couple of dozen employee-      24- to 45-year-olds who are
owners. Everyone who                deeply immersed in mobile
works there owns a piece            devices and social networking.
of the agency. They joined
with the local arts group,            Success Factors                 Takeaway Tip
the International Gallery of
Contemporary Art, to produce        • The Warhol Factory Party event  To reach the 24- to 45-year-old demographic,
a Warhol Factory Party. They           was sold out.                  don’t rely on plain posters and on-site displays,
promoted it with large-format                                         no matter how beautiful and artistic. This demo-
posters and pop art three-          • The exhibition sold 13,000      graphic may find them lacking. Instead, incorpo-
dimensional displays with              tickets.                       rate the technology that infuses their daily lives,
bananas hanging on strings.                                           such as QR codes they can scan with their mobile
The bananas were used in            • NBC’s Alaskan affiliate,         devices to get additional information in digital
tribute to Warhol’s Velvet             KTUU-TV, featured the Warhol   form, and use integrated social media campaigns
Underground artwork. The eye-          Factory Party on its website.  that make it easy for participants to readily share
catching displays were hung at                                        their real-world experiences with their friends vir-
popular spots around town to                                          tually. Today this marriage of marketing, art, and
build up publicity for the exhibi-                                    technology is expected with younger demograph-
tion. The campaign used QR                                            ics, and it makes for a richer experience.
codes on all of the pieces. By
scanning the codes with your
smartphones, passersby could
find out more party details and

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