Page 133 - Visual Marketing
P. 133

“Although we are new, sales           Success Metrics
are ramping up in independent
retailers, delis and farm shops     • Peter Popple’s Popcorn website
week on week,” says George.            received 1,000 visits within six
                                       months of its relaunch.
Why It Works
                                    • More than 5,000 packets of
Peter Popple’s Popcorn decided         Peter Popple’s Popcorn were
to go in a different direction         sold in the first six months after
from what other kids’ snacks           its launch in October 2010.
were doing in terms of pack-
aging. The retro Peter Popple       • The new product has been
“P” character is whimsical and         covered by media, including
simple, just like the product. The     London’s The Evening Standard
packaging is clear, so consum-         and various food blogs and has
ers can see exactly what they’re       been the center of attention at
buying.                                local events.

The phrase, “It’s popalicious!”                                           Takeaway Tip
appears on the packaging and
marketing materials and has                                               Entering a crowded market can be daunting.
been trademarked with the                                                 But if existing competitors have cluttered pack-
intention of building future                                              aging, try a different approach. Use simple
brand recall.                                                             packaging with remarkable graphics and a
                                                                          memorable mascot character to stand out.

                                    IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 112
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