Page 159 - Visual Marketing
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• There was an increase of
                                                                            16 percent in new e-mail
                                                                            addresses from donors and

Why It Works                       fact that hunger is often a silent
                                   problem. The cans represented
By treating this campaign like     10 pounds of nutritious food—
a new product launch, NAIL         and there was a slit in the side
Communications used the            of the can to serve as a “bank”
marketing muscle of brand-         and fund-raising tool as well.
ing to sell Nothing. The cans
could be bought at more than         Success Metrics                     Takeaway Tip
135 local stores. Retail partners
were strategically selected where  • More than 14,000 cans of            Does your organization tackle problems that
people were already thinking          Nothing were purchased, and        are hard to understand or seemingly impos-
about food and feeding families.      $20,000 in donations were          sible to ever solve? Use clever props and
Online donations provide oppor-       returned in the cans to the Rhode  giveaways to represent intangible concepts
tunities for people to become         Island Community Food Bank.        and transform them into something concrete
engaged as regular donors and                                            and relevant. For example, to represent a
supporters. Younger donors         • Online there were 49,816 home       concept like hunger that may seem alien to
typically respond to tangible         page views, 14,442 YouTube         well-fed Americans, create a can of nothing.
fund-raising objectives. Creating     video views, and increased         Suddenly a situation that few have experi-
a real can that you could hold        social networking with Facebook    enced becomes real when you can see it and
in your hand challenged the           up 66 percent and Twitter fol-     touch it.
                                      lowers up 47 percent.

                                   IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 138
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