Page 161 - Visual Marketing
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66. Who Is Keith Beith? Capitalizing on a Unique   73. Getting to the Point in Acupuncture: Combining
    Name and Interjecting Friendliness to              Professional Design with Do-It-Yourself
    Differentiate a Business 143                       Execution Keeps Expenses in Line 157

67. Face-to-Face Illustrations: Establishing an    74. An Image Consultant Makes a Great First
    Identity That Allows Your Team Members to          Impression: Differentiating a Personal Brand
    Express Themselves 145                             by Conveying Your Personality 159

68. Business Cards Get Social: Creating Business   75. A Recipe for Success in Publishing: Using
    Cards That Mimic Social Media Icons Opens          Beautiful, Evocative Images Reinforces the
    New Market 147                                     Essence of a Publication 161

69. Changing Perceptions One School at a Time:     76. The Art of Making House Calls: Using Simple
    Using a Marketing Pamphlet to Update an            Logo Imagery That Marries Traditional
    Organization’s Image 149                           Values with a Modern Business 163

70. Meeting Artists in Their Natural Habitat:      77. An Unorthodox Community Campaign
    Creating a Series of Posters Conveys the           Promotes Kindness: Using a Powerful Name
    Range and Variety of a Large Event 151             to Drive Action 165

71. The Omaha Cow and Snowboarding: Using an       78. A Communications Firm Stands Out: Using
    Iconic Symbol Updated with Current Culture to      Unconventional Visuals Instead of Cookie-
    Create an Au Courant Logo 153                      Cutter B2B Design Gets Attention 167

72. Translating a Global Brand into Local          79. Is Your Name Defining You . . . Negatively?
    Currency: Making an Existing Brand Design          Renaming a Business Leads to More
    Resonate in a Different Country 155                Sales 169

                                                   PO WER TO THE PR I N T I TE M ! 140
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