Page 163 - Visual Marketing
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94. The Express Lane for Sales: A Visual Pitch   97. Technology Can Be Sexy: Poking Fun at Your
    Book Captures the Sales Process and Trains       Industry’s Stereotypes Makes It Easier for
    an Ever-Growing Sales Team 199                   Customers to Relate 205

95. Three-Dimensional Business Cards:            98. Making Saving Look Good: Delivering
    Expressing Your Creativity on Your Business      Vouchers and Coupons That People Want
    Card 201                                         to Save 207

96. What’s a Symchych? Accentuating a Hard-to-   99. Good Design Flows from Product to Marketing:
    Pronounce Name Can Be a Winner 203               Creating Postcards That Are “Saveable”
                                                     to Keep the Sales Pipeline Full 209

                                                 PO WER TO THE PR I N T I TE M ! 142
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