Page 162 - Visual Marketing
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80. A Condo Development Has Historical Charm:      87. All for One and One for All: Repurposing
    Incorporating Heritage into Marketing Visuals      Marketing Collateral on a Very Low
    to Emphasize an Offering’s Key Selling             Budget 185
    Points 171
                                                   88. Evoking Mood Through Design: Using
81. HR with a Personal Touch: Using a                  Custom Invitations to Make Your Business
    Descriptive Name and a Caricature for a            Entertainment Last Beyond the Event 187
    Consulting Business Sets You Apart 173
                                                   89. High-End Rewards: Offering Upscale Coupons
82. All That Jazz, Funk, Blues, Pop, and Hip-Hop:      Grows Loyalty, Prevents Cancellations, and
    Making Modifications in Your Imagery Can            Sells Add-Ons 189
    Appeal to a Younger Audience 175
                                                   90. It’s a Family Affair: Making Your Business
83. Communicate Issues Boldly: Using Bold              Story Come to Life with a Beautifully Designed
    Graphics to Drive Home the Importance of           Print Piece 191
    Messages 177
                                                   91. An Industrial Business Bucks the Trend:
84. Eat or Be Eaten: Appealing to Local Tastes         Expressing Quality Through Color and Design
    and Cultural Understanding in a Local              Becomes a Competitive Advantage 193
    Marketing Campaign 179
                                                   92. Sharpen Your Sights: Using Clever
85. Clothing for the Cosmopolitan Outdoorsy            Advertising That Makes Viewers Stop and
    Type: Expressing the Importance of Form and        Think about Their Needs 195
    Function for a Brand in Print 181
                                                   93. A Program for All Seasons: Creating an
86. Capturing the Legacy: Creating a                   Overarching Marketing Theme for the Entire
    Commemorative Book with High-Quality               Year 197
    Graphics Conveys an Organization’s Values 183

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