Page 173 - Visual Marketing
P. 173
going to be enough to cut and Open Studios coordinator. way to promote the Fort Point Arts
through the clutter. She said the “They captured an essence of the Community Open Studios event.
posters needed to emphasize the neighborhood . . . and created a
character of the historic neighbor- buzz of their own.” The posters Success Metrics
hood and the accessibility of the feature images of paintings and
artists while promoting the range photographs of the old mills and • More than 5,000 people visited
of buying opportunities. loft spaces from Fort Point com- the waterfront neighborhood to
bined with artifacts like a dia- see original creations and pur-
Why It Works mond ring, a stylish old sofa, or chase artwork.
a steaming kettle. You get to see
The posters were hung around the style of different artists in the • A total of 150 painters, sculptors,
the local neighborhood and in artwork as well as see real items ceramicists, jewelers, perfor-
the Boston metro area, including you may want to purchase. The mance artists, fashion designers,
large-format versions in the South overall design motif for the series book artists, and photographers
Station and at the Prudential contained a distinctive striped participated in the program.
Mall. Digital images were dis- background with large faded
tributed online via the website “wooden” block typefaces. Takeaway Tip
and were used by the artists for
frequent Facebook postings. Using a historic style with a dash When publicizing a large and varied event, cre-
“This year’s poster series was of humor in a series of posters and ate not just one poster but a series of posters
fresh and exciting,” says Gabrielle online graphics provided a fresh with different imagery to strengthen your mes-
Schaffner, FPAC executive director sage with multiple exposures and convey the
range of what attendees can expect.