Page 191 - Visual Marketing
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Playing on the four-color pro-    “The Process rebranding acted       • The website also helped spur
cess inks common in printing      as a catalyst to increase our pro-     referrals, and several large
as well as the process of design  fessional presence to our estab-       projects were directly initiated by
and print production, Visual      lished client base and develop         client visits to the site.
Dialogue helped rebrand the       new opportunities,” says Lynn
company with a new name,          Horsky, president of Process.
“Process,” and updated the
company’s logo, business            Success Metrics                   Takeaway Tip
papers, ads, and website.
                                  • Process increased its profile      Sometimes everything’s in a name, and it
Why It Works                         among the design community       can stand in your way to success. Survey
                                     in greater Boston, becoming the  people to find out if your brand’s name
If you’re a designer (Process’s      go-to print production managers  speaks to what you want it to stand for; if
target audience), you get it.        for leading design firms.         not, do some rebranding to get on track.
The play on the name is a sort
of inside joke, and the graphics  • For the two years after upgrad-
across all channels exemplify        ing its brand identity and
this play. In no way will this       website, Process’s client base
design be a wallflower in its         increased by 5 percent.
industry: It demands attention.

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