Page 55 - Visual Marketing
P. 55

Five case studies are presented    “The piece is multi-faceted,
within the video, showcasing cli-  which is why it’s been so suc-
ent successes and services. The    cessful,” says Grotheim. “The
movie CD itself has an appeal-     challenge was that Gotham PR
ing design and works well as a     wanted something they could
leave-behind. Gotham PR now        use in meetings for a dynamic
uses the presentation not only     presentation (beats PowerPoint!)
in meetings but as a link from     that incorporated case studies,
their website and embedded into    client lists, services and over-
blogs, Facebook, and Twitter       view—a lot of information.”
feeds, according to Christie
Grotheim of The Art Department.      Success Metrics                      Takeaway Tip

Why It Works                       • Gotham says that the Flash           Don’t get stuck in the same rut as everyone
                                      presentation is definitely a driver  else in your industry; it’s boring. A bold,
Rather than making promises           when working in an increasingly     dynamic, and artistic Flash presentation can
about what the firm will do for        “visual” marketplace and global     help you cut through the noise, showcase
a potential customer, Gotham’s        media.                              what you do, and get tongues wagging (in a
presentation shows its experi-                                            good way) about you. More important, it can
ence, heavily based on event       • The video has proved to be a         attract leads. Put it online and burn it to a
photos with celebrities and fash-     great display and recruitment       disk for a leave-behind piece.
ion designers. For those tired        tool, both client and team side.
of PowerPoint slides, Gotham’s
video is a refreshing, upbeat      • Gotham is receiving three to
change sure to energize any           five qualified new business leads
proposal meeting.                     daily.

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