Page 59 - Visual Marketing
P. 59

Why It Works                        site carries through to in-person
                                    marketing as well. I-SITE offers
When you first visit I-SITE’s        its unique beer coaster business
page, you think it’s for a soccer   cards—but only to those who
team . . . until you realize the    they’ve invited to have a drink
motley crew is actually the staff   with them.
of the agency. The entire site is
built upon the concept of soc-        Success Metrics                   Takeaway Tip
cer—something that’s obviously
near and dear to the hearts of      • I-SITE’s design has won numer-    Why do want your website and brand to
the staff. I-SITE even went so         ous awards, including the        look like every other business out there?
far as to create a soccer charity      American Design Award for        To really stand out, represent who you are
match complete with a cup for          Portfolio site.                  and who your company is, in all your unique
the winner. “If you’re going to                                         glory. Letting your personality through and
position yourself, you better play  • The new interactive design has    being yourself is what draws others to you.
the game!” said Cross.                 improved the leads that come     Although it may not resonate with everyone,
                                       through the website.             remember that “everyone” is not your cli-
The site even sells beer steins                                         ent base. Make it relevant to those you want
and bottle openers (something       • The site has also increased       to work with and who will appreciate your
else close to their hearts). The       inquiries from designers and     uniqueness.
interactive and fun aspect of the      developers who want to work for

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