Page 177 - Social Media Marketing
P. 177
162 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman
• Add a signature to your outgoing e-mail messages. Every
e-mail program allows you to create a signature file that you
can have the program tack onto the end of every outgoing
e-mail message. Most people who use a signature file include
their name and contact information, but you can also include
your web site address. Following is a signature I have used for
my outgoing messages:
Ralph R. Roberts GRI CRS
67775 Van Dyke
Washington MI 48095
Office: 586-751-0000
Fax: 586-752-8959
• Add your web site address to all of your marketing materials.
Use your paper advertising to cross-promote your Internet
marketing. Your web site address and e-mail address should
be on your business card, letterhead, flyers, brochures, and all
other marketing materials you use.
Remember that your web site is only one component of your
marketing campaign. Make sure it is well integrated with other
components and that its design reinforces your brand. If you visit
my web sites and blogs, you'll notice immediately that they all have
a consistent look and feel and navigational tools that all function
nearly the same way. You will notice the red-white-and-blue color
scheme (representing the American Dream of Homeownership) and
the Big Nail logo on every site, including the following:
• BigNaiLcom