Page 178 - Social Media Marketing
P. 178

Creating and Maintaining Your Own Web Site 163


o Register one or more domains that capture the essence of

   who you are and what you sell and are easily recognizable to
   clients and prospective clients.
o Draw up a detailed plan for your web site before you start
   creating it, so you know the types of content it will contain.

o Make sure your web site has an About Me or About Us page

   that will help visitors become more comfortable buying from

o Provide contact information on your web site, but do not

   post your e-mail address; instead of an e-mail address,
   provide a form that visitors can complete to send you an
   e-mail message.

o If you have little or no experience creating a web site,

   consider hiring a professional Web designer, instead.

o To help search engines find your Web pages and give them a

   higher ranking in their search results, be sure to repeat the
   key words and phrases in your Web content that people
   commonly use to search for sites such as yours.

o Use pay-per-click advertising to drive more traffic from

   search engines to your web site; you pay only when someone
   clicks your ad.
o Once your web site is up and running, advertise it in
   outgoing e-mail messages and on all of your printed
   marketing materials, including your business card,
   letterhead, brochures, and flyers .
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