Page 21 - Social Media Marketing
P. 21

xx Introduction

                                Walk Like a Giant

What do I mean when I tell you to "Walk Like a Giant?" Many
salespeople I have worked with have interpreted that to mean that
they need to develop a swagger-the confidence to meet everyone,
establish strong relationships, and sell.

   Well, that's certainly part of being a giant, but when people meet
me in person, they are surprised to find that I don't have much of
a swagger. I am confident, but I'm also a regular guy and fairly
humble. I think once you realize how complex the world is, you
have no other choice but to be humble. The one thing I have always
known and become more aware of with every passing day is that I
don't know everything. I am a lifelong learner.

   Another part of being a giant is gaining a perspective that rises
above the crowd. In other words, you need to see the entire playing
field in order to call the right plays. In sales, this means keeping up
with technology, with changes in your industry, and with changes
in what consumers are buying and how they are shopping. It means
teaming up with others who have a clearer vision in particular areas
than you do: colleagues, coaches, mentors, and even people whom
you coach or mentor who may have the knowledge and skills that
you are lacking. It means having the foresight and determination to
invest in building tomorrow's business while you are still tending
to today's business.

   One last requirement for walking like a giant is to be magnani-
mous in thoughts and deeds. You have to think big and give big. You
have to be on the constant lookout for mutually beneficial relation-
ships. You need to stop worrying about what the other guy or gal is
getting and simply do what you know in your gut will be successful
for you. You need to give back to your industry, your clients, your
colleagues, and your communities, without the thought of receiving
something in return.

   In this book, I show you how to walk like a giant. Once you are
able to walk the walk, you are halfway there.
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