Page 22 - Social Media Marketing
P. 22

Introduction xxi

                             Sell Like a Madman

Talk to those closest to me, and they will tell you straight out that
I am a madman. Most of the top producers in their industries are
a bit mad, but most of them also come from humble beginnings. I
believe that this is where most of the truly successful people find
their motivation-from overcoming one or more challenges on the
road of life.

   In the game of life, I go all-in every day, and I believe that this is
the way to succeed both in sales and in life. In terms of selling, going
all-in for me means paying some attention to every aspect of what
it takes to be a great salesperson. It means setting and striving to
meet goals; building productive, lasting relationships; adapting to
marketplace diversity; developing systems to make your business
more efficient; building a sales team that can more effectively serve
clients; mastering technology and communication tools to reach out
to more people; and much more.

   You need to be at least a bit of a madman or madwoman to
attempt to do everything required to make it to the top, but once you
begin to put systems and the right personnel in place, the madness
settles down, and you can achieve balance in your personal and
professional life. You can do more, sell more, and earn more by
investing less of your own time and energy. At the same time, you
can give your family, your community, and yourself more of the
quality time you all deserve.

   The salespeople who follow my lead and my guidance usually
end up much happier in life overalL They work hard, but not at the
expense of what really matters in life. They experience less stress and
have more time and energy. I sincerely hope that you experience the
same results when you read and follow the suggestions I provide
throughout this book.
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