Page 18 - Social Media Marketing
P. 18


   T he authors would like to thank our agent, Neil Salkind
               of Studio B ( and our editor at John
Wiley & Sons, Shannon Vargo, for breathing new life into one of
Ralph's first and most successful books. Thanks also to Lois Maljak,
Ralph's Second in Command, without whom this project would not
have been possible. Special thanks to Ralph's wife (and girlfriend),
Kathleen Roberts, who read and critiqued the entire manuscript and
added her own personal touch.
   Thanks to the team at Wiley, including Jessica Langan-Peck and
Linda Indig, for transforming a high-quality manuscript into an
exceptional finished product and tying up any loose ends.
   We would also like to thank the numerous salespeople who
shared their ideas about their profession, reviewed specific chap-
ters, and inspired some of the content. This book would be poorer
without their help. Among those we want to thank specifically are
the following:
   Mikal Belicove is a seasoned freelance writer, ghost blog-
ger, and new media corporate communications consultant who's
hotwired to the Internet and the Internet community. Mikal con-
tributed his expertise to the chapters on corporate blogging and
social media marketing. For more about Mikal, visit his blog at
   John Featherston, President and CEO of RISMedia (www., was instrumental in the creation of Chapter 15,
"Building and Managing Your Own Sales Team." John is an expert

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