Page 13 - Social Media Marketing
P. 13

Contents xi

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Blasting Out of Your           165
   Sales Slump                                  165
Hold Yourself Accountable                       167
Figure Out What's Changed                       168
Set a Goal and Reward                           169
Surround Yourself with Positive People          169
Focus on the Fundamentals                       170
Pick up the Phone                               171
Grow Out of It                                  172
Ramp up Your Marketing Efforts                  174
Shadow a Top Producer or Hire a Coach
Start Now!                                      175
Work on Today's Business, Tomorrow's Business,  175

  and Future Business
Your Chapter 14 Checklist

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Building and Managing Your Own  177
   Sales Team
What Is a Sales Team?                           179
Taking a Lesson from Your Dentist               179
Identifying the Benefits of Sales Teams         181
Knowing When You Need a Team                    182
Drawing up Your Team Roster                     183
Keeping Your Sales Team on Track                184
Honing Your Team Management Skills              187
Your Chapter 15 Checklist

CHAPTER SIXTEEN You're Fired! Firing Your       189
  Worst Clients                                 190
Identifying Your Best Clients                   191
Retaining Your Best Clients                     193
It's Not You; It's Me-Letting Them Down Easy    194
Adding Better Clients
Your Chapter 16 Checklist
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