Page 10 - Social Media Marketing
P. 10

viii Contents                             70
Hire the Best You Can Get                 71
Avoid Snap-Judgment Hiring                72
Assign Meaningful Job Titles              73
Train Them, Then Trust Them               73
Pay Them to Keep Them                     74
Be Kind to Them-They're Only Human
Your Chapter 6 Checklist                  77
CHAPTER SEVEN Assembly Line Selling       79
Breaking Everything You Do into Steps     80
   Identify Procedures                    80
   Break Procedures into Tasks            80
   Break Tasks into Steps                 82
   Delegate the Work                      82
Tracking Transactions: A Case Study       84
   Green Folders, Red Folders             85
   Keeping Me Out of It                   86
Expanding Your Business with Systems      87
   Plan the Work; Work the Plan
   Beginning to Change                    89
   You're a Business, Not an Employee     90
Not Perfect, but Good                     91
Your Chapter 7 Checklist                  92
CHAPTER EIGHT Hosting Your Own Hour       93
   of Power                               93
Hour of Power Origins                     94
The Goal: Pearls Called Referrals
No Selling!
No Interruptions
Make the Commitment
Keep a Tally Sheet
Just Do It!
Force Yourself into the Zone
Extend Your Hour of Power to Other Tasks
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