Page 223 - Social Media Marketing
P. 223

Partnering Your Way to Unlimited Success 211

o When you want to achieve something you cannot

   accomplish on your own, look for partners who have what
   you need and need what you have.

o Try to identify a business partnership that you think would

   be rewarding and profitable.

o Remember the three steps to accomplishing anything you set

   your mind to: (1) Identify what you want to do. (2)
   Determine what you need to reach your goal. (3) Acquire
   everything you need-by forming partnerships, if necessary.

o Always have a partnership agreement in place that

   delineates each partner's responsibilities and share of the

o A good partnership agreement always contains an exit

   strategy, detailing which partner gets what in the event that
   the partnership dissolves.

o Look for opportunities to develop creative partnerships with

   other businesses inside and outside of your industry to
   invent new products and services that generate revenue for
   both of you.
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