Page 227 - Social Media Marketing
P. 227

216 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

Create Feature Sheets and Postcards

Whatever you sell, you will need marketing materials to show it off.
Many VAs have specialized training in marketing or advertising and
in using specialized graphics and desktop publishing tools. They
can create better-looking marketing materials much faster and for
less money (remember, time is money) than you can do it yourself.

   In my real estate business, I can provide a VA who is experienced
in the business with just a few shreds of information, and she can run
with it. I can supply a VA with the address of a property I want to sell
and instructions to create for me the feature sheets and postcards I
need to market the property. The VA can take that information, do
her own research, and produce beautiful marketing materials.

Implement a Drip E-Mail Campaign

In the not-so-good old days, salespeople relied on direct mail (snail
mail) campaigns to market directly to prospective clients. Here's
what a typical direct-mail campaign would entail:

   • Going crazy pulling together all of the necessary information
      and trying to meet your deadline

   • Spending a lot of time and money to produce high-quality
      marketing materials

   • Doing exactly the same thing all of your competitors were

   • Waiting and wondering whether your campaign would pro-
      duce any results

   • Crossing your fingers in the hopes that this campaign would
      be a success

   • Hoping for a 10 percent response!

   Fortunately, the Internet and e-mail have delivered us from
the torture of the direct-mail campaign. You can now create drip
e-mail campaigns that automate the entire process and are much
more effective in turning promising leads into sales. Drip e-mail is
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