Page 258 - Social Media Marketing
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Internet, 122-123, 231                                             Index 247
  advertising, 126
  podcast, 159                          Mentors, 9-10,11-12
                                           obtaining advice from, 199-200
Investments, 7-8
IVR. See Interactive voice response     Mission statement, 118
                                        Money, 183-184
                                           to make money, 7-8
Jones, Charlie "Tremendous," 10         Mortgage Myths, 119, 120
Kinetic knowledge, 204-205                 with goals and rewards, 19-27
                                          speakers, 10, 12-13
L                                       Multitasking, 96
Landy, John, 23-24
Leads, 99-109. See also Referrals       National Association of Realtors, 6
   categorizing, 103-104                Net meetings, 231
   comparison research, 104             Networks, 127-130
   follow-up system, 100-108
   information gathering, 103-104         professional and personal, 127-130
   management of, 101-102,218-219          Q&A,148
   receipt of, 102-103                     social,148
                                        Newsgroups, 148-149
Learning, 195-201                       Newsletter, 107-108
Leisure time, 181                       Newspapers
Letter of introduction, 117                advertisements in, 126
Limited liability corporation (LLC),       industry-related,197

        207-209                         o
LinkedIn, 48
LLC. See Limited liability corporation  Obstacles, 11-12
                                        Order takers versus sales, 2-4
Management skills, 184-187              p
                                        Partnering, 29-41, 203-211
   advertising, 125-126                    business, 204-205
   brands, 111-130                         business+business, 204, 209-210
   designing the packet, 116-118           choice of, 30-31
   Internet presence, 122-123              identification of areas for improvement,
   press releases, 118-122                      31-36
   promotion of web site, 160-163             input from clients, 34-35
   publicity, 123-125                        input from salespeople, 33-34
   during a sales slump, 171-172              input from your boss, 35
   self-promotion, 111-130                    lesser strengths, 31-32
   social merchandising, 122-123,             prioritization, 36
                                              sales skills assessment, 33
        145-154                            meeting with your partner, 37-40
   through existing clients, 129-130          celebrating mutual success, 40
   through professional and personal          ground rules, 38
                                              keeping each other on track, 38-39
        networks, 127-130                     reviewing one another's performance,
   web site address on all marketing             39
                                           partnership agreement, 207-209
        materials, 162                     personal, 203
Marketplace diversity, 53-64               steps to follow, 207
                                           writing a partnering plan, 36-37
   demographies, 54-63
Media, 124                              Partnering To Success, LLC, 30
Me Generation, 56-57                    Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, 126
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