Page 260 - Social Media Marketing
P. 260
SEO. See Search engine optimization Index 249
Shadow program, 12
Shared files, 232 Video podcast, 159
Silent generation, 55-56 Video sharing, 147-148
Social media. See Social merchandising Virtual assistants (VAs), 213-234
Social merchandising, 122-123, 145-154
advantages, 222-223
described,146-149 communication with, 230-232
pros and cons of, 149-150 defined,214-215
taking advantage of, 150-153 delegation, 224
Social networks, 148 gathering information from,
Social news, 147
Soon Lee, Michael, 63 227-228
Statement of benefits, 117 job description, 215-221
Sticktoitism (stick-to-itiveness), 2, 16-17 necessity of, 223
Success, 1-18 providing essential information to,
celebrating, 40
of the client, 14-15 228-230
in the footsteps of, 8-13 qualifications and experience, 224-227
with a sales team, 185
T Webcams, 231
Technology, 3 Web site, 3,122,155-163
adoption of new, 16 about me/us page, 158
exploring new, 199 blogs, 141
Telephone calls, 89-97, 230. See also client list, 158
contact me/us page, 158
Productivity content to other sites, 161
commitment to, 92-93 exchange links, 161
interruptions, 92 feedback form or survey, 159
procrastination, 94 home page, 158
referrals, 90-91 HTML tags, 161
tally sheet, 93 information request form, 159
Television commercials, 125-126 links,141
Testimonials, 117 pay-per-click ads, 161
Tools of the trade, 15-16 planning, 157-159
adoption of new technologies, 16 products/services pages, 158
changes, 16 promotion of, 160-163
identification of, 15 securing a domain, 156-157
Training, 72-73 shopping cart, 158
signature to e-mail messages, 162
U testimonials, 158
Uniform Partnership Act (UPA), 207 updating, 217-218
UPA. See Uniform Partnership Act web designer, 160
Whiteboarding, 231-232
V Wisner, Terry, 30, 37
VAs. See Virtual assistants Workplace environment, 186
Video conferencing, 205 Writers, 205
Ziglar, Zig, 10