Page 257 - Social Media Marketing
P. 257
246 Index future business, 47-50
communication, 49
Communities, 47-48 database, 48-49
high profile in, 124-125 gifts, 49-50
service organizations, 128
support for, 50 ongoing, 51
Fax line, 231
Compensation Featherston, John, 178
for employees, 73 Feature sheets, 216
for sales team, 183 Feedback, from clients, 152
Conferences, 196
Cross-Cultural Selling For Dummies, 63 clients, 189-194
CRS. See Certified Residential Specialist employees, 183
Culture, 60-64 For sale by owner properties (FSBOs), 21,
Cummings, Chip, 121
Customer base, farming for leads with, 238
FSBOs. See For sale by owner properties
Customer service, with a sales team, G
Gender, 61-62
180-181 Generation X ("baby busters"), 57-58
Generation Y ("millennials" /"echo
Database, 91 boomers"),58--59
Gifts, 49-50, 108, 191, 220
additions to, 101 GI ("greatest") generation, 55
for future business, 48-49 Goals, 19-27
Delegation, 80, 186, 224
Demographics collages, 25-26
gender differences, 61-62 deadlines, 21, 37
generational differences, 54-59 into milestones, 21-22
green clients, 60-61 in a partnering plan, 36-37
physically challenged, 59-60 setting, 20
Discussion forums, 146 sharing, 24-25
Dollar-productive activities, 96 during a slump, 167-168
Google juice, 132
E Graduate of the Realtors Institute (GRI), 4
E-mail,230 Green clients, 60-61
GRI. See Graduate of the Realtors Institute
drip campaign, 216-217
management, 219 H
as sales tool, 105-108 Hayes, Ira, 12-13
signatures to, 162 Hiring practices, 65-75, 183
Employees, 182-183
as assistant, 65-75 job titles, 71
vs. entrepreneur, 3, 86 snap-judgment, 71
firing, 183 training, 72-73
Employment Hopkins, Tommy, 10
hiring an assistant, 65-75 Hosting service, 134
salary, 73 Hour of Power, 89-97
Entrepreneur. See also Business during sales slumps, 169-170
versus employee, 3, 86 HTML tags, 161
F Ideas, of management, 220
Farming (for leads), 43-52 Instant messaging, 21
Interactive voice response (IVR) system
choice of, 44-47
customer base, 44-45 management, 219
knowledge about, 45-46
people, 46-47
research, 45