Page 63 - Social Media Marketing
P. 63



   D o you find yourself constantly hunting for leads and
                shaking the bushes for new prospects? If you do,
maybe you need to change the way you do business. Trade in
your rifle and bow for a tiller and a hoe. By transforming your-
self from hunter into farmer, you change your entire lifestyle. In-
stead of suffering through feast or famine, you establish a steadier
flow of referral business that can keep you well fed throughout
the year.
   The transition can be a quite a challenge, particular if you have
had the hunter's mindset drilled into you from the beginning of your
career. The easiest way to conceptualize your new role is to think of
yourself less as a salesperson and more as a friend to your clients.
In other words, stop selling and start nurturing relationships.
   The concept of cultivating business rather than constantly hunt-
ing for it is intended to break any habit you may have of just wait-
ing behind your desk for customers to come to you. To become a
superstar salesperson, you need to be proactive. Dentists, stockbro-
kers, auto dealers, insurance agents, home-based cosmetics sales-
people, computer retailers, in fact, any salespeople I can think of can

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