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166  P a r t I I I Managing Your YouTube Videos


    To change the color of the annotation, click the Change Annotation Color
    button and select a text and background color combination.

To establish the start and stop points for this annotation, drag the right and left
positioning cursors (located above the video’s playback slider) into the desired posi-
tions, as shown in Figure 14.6. Alternatively, you can enter the precise start and stop
times into the panel to the right of the video window, as shown in Figure 14.7.

Figure 14.6 Defining the length of an annotation.

   Figure 14.7 Entering precise timing for an annotation.

   You can insert multiple annotations into the video, if you like. When you’re done
   adding annotations, click the Publish button.

Watching an Annotated Video

   Watching an annotated video is like watching any YouTube video. At a given point
   in the video, the annotations will appear onscreen. Spotlight annotations, of course,
   are visible only when you hover your cursor over that area of the screen. If an
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