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170  P a r t I I I Managing Your YouTube Videos

Enabling Comments—and Other User Response

   Viewers can leave both text comments and video responses to your videos—if you
   let them. At your discretion, you can allow, disallow, or allow with prior approval
   either comments or video responses for any individual video you upload. (This
   means you can allow comments for one video and disallow comments for another.)

   To control comments and video responses, click the down arrow next to your name
   at the top of any YouTube page, then select My Videos; this displays a list of all your
   videos. Then click the Edit button for the video you want to control. When the edit
   page for this video appears, scroll down to the Broadcasting and Sharing Options
   section, shown in Figure 15.1. We’ll skip the Privacy section, which we’ve previously
   discussed, and focus on the remaining half-dozen options.

Figure 15.1 Enabling or disabling comments and video responses.


    You might need to expand some of the items in this section to edit them.
    Click the right arrow to expand a section; click the down arrow to contract
    an expanded section.
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