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172  P a r t I I I Managing Your YouTube Videos

Comment Voting

   This feature lets viewers give up or down votes on comments left by other viewers.
   Select Yes to allow comment voting or No to disallow it.

Video Responses

   When you enable this option, viewers can make and upload their own videos in
   response to your video. You can choose from the following options:

       • Yes, Allow Video Responses to Be Added Automatically—Viewers
          can upload their video responses, which appear immediately on your
          video page.

       • Yes, Allow Video Responses After I Approve Them—Any video
          responses have to be approved by you before they appear on your video

       • No, Don’t Allow Video Responses—The video response option does
          not appear on your video page.


   In lieu of (or in addition to) detailed text comments, you can also allow your video
   to be rated by viewers. Viewers rate videos by giving either a thumbs up (positive)
   or thumbs down (negative) vote.


        To view the overall rating for your video, go to that video’s page and scroll
        to the options box below the video player; the rating displays there.

   Of course, you have the option of not allowing viewers to rate your video. This
   might be desirable if you don’t want your business’s videos perceived in a negative
   fashion. On the other hand, if you have a popular video, you probably want to
   enable ratings—highly rated videos rank higher in YouTube search results than do
   poorly rated ones.
   Your option in regard to ratings is simple: Check Yes to allow ratings or No to disal-
   low them.


   YouTube makes it easy for any user to embed your video in his or her own website or
   blog. If you want wider exposure for your video, check Yes to display the embeddable
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