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C h a p t e r 2 5 Using YouTube for B2B Marketing 271
Similarly, you can use YouTube to distribute videos of your internal sales confer-
ences. Some customers might find these interesting in and of themselves, or per-
haps you might want to limit access to your internal staff only. In either case, you
can get more mileage out of these events by keeping them online for future
Management Messages and Video Blogs
Finally, don’t forget the good old management message video—a talking head video
of your company’s president or CEO talking directly to the customer base. These
are never my favorite videos, but if your CEO has a good presence, authority in the
industry, or simply an established relationship with your customer base, this
approach can work to reinforce existing connections—or make new ones.
This type of talking head video doesn’t have to be limited to upper management.
People at any level of your organization can help create an interesting video blog
(vlog), talking about your company’s latest product developments, industry trends,
and the like. When marketing to other businesses, it’s good to assume that you’re
dealing with people who are innately interested in their industry and other busi-
ness-related topics. Feed that hunger with a vlog filled with information, advice, and
even opinion. You might be surprised how many potential customers will take two
to three minutes out of their week to hear what you’re talking about.
Best Practices for B2B Marketing on YouTube
When utilizing YouTube for B2B marketing, there are some best practices to con-
sider. Many of these practices are the same as for B2C marketers, but they bear
repeating here.
Upload All Existing Video Assets
When it comes to B2B marketing, it’s all useful. Take any existing videos you have—
sales videos, how-to videos, you name it—and adapt them for viewing on YouTube.
That might mean chopping up a single long video into a series of shorter ones, or
pasting together several short related videos into a more cohesive longer one. If you
think existing or potential customers might be interested in or find value from a
video, make sure it’s uploaded and available for viewing.
Publicize Your Videos
How will your existing customers find out about your videos? You have to tell
them! Instruct your sales force to take advantage of this new resource and pass the