Page 43 - Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing -
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avoiding	that	niche	all	those	years.
   The	 very	 premises	 on	 which	 planning	 is	 based	 seem	 flawed	 from	 the

   Does	 this	 mean	 that	 you	 shouldn’t	 plan?	 Not	 at	 all.	 It	 does	 mean	 that

everyone	involved	in	planning	should	start	with	three	ideas:
   First,	 accept	 the	 limitations	 of	 planning.	 Don’t	 assume	 that	 putting	 eight

smart	people	in	a	room	with	good	data	will	automatically	produce	something.
Ford	put	eight	smart	planners	in	a	room,	and	out	popped	the	Edsel.

   Second,	don’t	value	planning	for	its	result:	the	plan.	The	greatest	value	of	the
plan	is	the	process,	the	thinking	that	went	into	it.

   Third,	 don’t	 plan	 your	 future.	 Plan	 your	 people.	 Outstanding	 people	 who	 fit
your	basic	broad	vision	will	tend	to	make	the	right	decisions	along	the	way,	not
by	following	a	plan,	but	by	using	their	skill.

Fallacy:	Strategy	Is	King


Business	 once	 encouraged	 the	 view	 of	 strategy’s	 superiority	 to	 tactics	 by
throwing	piles	of	money	at	it.	Fifteen	years	ago,	many	with	a	Wharton	MBA	and
a	lust	for	money	and	status	tried	to	get	into	strategic	planning.	They’re	still	great
jobs	if	you	can	get	them.	But	after	Business	Week	in	1984	reviewed	the	history	of
thirty-three	major	strategic	plans,	and	found	that	nineteen	had	failed,	the	exalted
status	of	strategic	planners	was	in	trouble.

   Many	 business	 textbooks	 reinforce	 this	 bias	 about	 strategy’s	 superiority.	 No
surprise.	 Professors	 write	 textbooks,	 and	 most	 professors	 think	 that	 working	 on
strategy	sounds	like	a	more	dignified	use	of	one’s	gifts	than	toiling	on	tactics.

   But	 in	 successful	 companies,	 tactics	 drive	 strategy	 as	 much	 or	 more	 than
strategy	 drives	 tactics.	 These	 companies	 do	 something	 and	 learn	 from	 it.	 It
changes	 their	 thinking.	 As	 Tom	 Cooper,	 the	 former	 COO	 of	 Access
Management,	 has	 observed,	 “Sometimes,	 the	 very	 first	 tactic	 you	 execute
changes	your	entire	plan.”

   For	a	vivid	example	of	tactics	shaping	strategy,	consider	the	Apple	Macintosh
computer.	 The	 Macintosh	 was	 not	 the	 first	 iteration	 of	 the	 Macintosh	 product;
the	 Lisa	 was.	 Lisa	 bombed.	 But	 Lisa	 showed	 Apple	 what	 the	 market	 really
needed.	 Guy	 Kawasaki,	 Macintosh’s	 product	 manager,	 has	 admitted	 that
Macintosh	evolved	from	an	explicit	strategy:

   Ready,	fire,	aim.
   Or,	as	Kawasaki	expresses	it,	“Lead,	take	a	shot,	listen,	respond,	lead	again.”
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