Page 125 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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Let’s	connect	some	dots	between	viral,	SEO,	and	content	type	through	a	case
study.	Take	a	look	at	this	chart	that	shows	traffic	to	my	blog	over	the	course	of	a


   As	you	can	see,	there	were	three	posts	that	drove	extraordinary	traffic	to	my
website	in	this	year.	These	are	the	posts:

      January:	“Content	Shock,”	introducing	an	idea	of	economic	evaluation	of
      June:	“70	Rising	Stars	of	Social	Media,”	highlighting	lesser-known
      marketing	talents4
      November:	“A	Speech	You	Will	Never	Hear	Again,”	revealing	how
      personal	pain	had	a	silver	lining5
   These	 posts	 would	 be	 considered	 hero	 content	 based	 on	 my	 definition	 in
Chapter	 2.	 To	 review,	 this	 pattern	 companies	 use	 to	 build	 a	 brand	 over	 time
requires	three	types	of	content:
      Hygiene	content,	which	takes	care	of	everyday	customer	needs	and	is	the
      most	likely	target	for	search	engine	traffic.
      Hub	content,	which	tells	a	deeper	story	and	connects	people	to	your	brand.
      Hero	content,	which	creates	broad	awareness	through	viral	distribution.
   Of	 these,	 hero	 content	 is	 by	 far	 the	 most	 difficult	 to	 produce.	 You	 just	 can’t
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