Page 33 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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content plays a role in the overall brand-building plan. One way to carve a place
for yourself is to create content in a category your competitors might be missing.
In the specific case of my client battling three big competitors, we learned that
there was an opening in the hygiene content category that would allow us to
capture a niche that leads to search engine traffic.
3. Focus on social transmission.
Here’s the mistake most companies make: They check the box on content and
then forget about ignition. As I introduced in Chapter 1, content isn’t effective if
it doesn’t move. People have to see it, engage with it, share it—or you’re wasting
your money. By putting the emphasis on exposing your content instead of
simply producing more, more, more, you create a powerful new marketing
competency in the information era.
This is where we’re going to spend our time for the rest of this book. You’ll
become an expert on this complex cocktail of ideas and insights, promotion and
production, audience and audacity … that gets your content to explode through
this wall of information density.
The economics of ignition
In addition to providing new strategic options, the six elements of the Content
Code can provide measurable economic benefits in at least four ways:
1. You will realize exponential gains in the return on your initial investment in
quality content.
2. You will find ways to produce new content more cost-effectively by
building in data-based, high-probability success factors.
3. You will create a unique competitive advantage by establishing a core
competency in content transmission. (It’s like running your marketing
program on rocket fuel while your competitors are still trying to light a
4. You will avoid advertising and promotional costs to the extent that you can
increase brand awareness through more effective organic content
The six elements of the Content Code