Page 47 - The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business -
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drives	 web	 traffic,	 but	 there	 are	 other	 benefits:	 “It’s	 good	 for	 our	 business	 to
recognize	bloggers	who	do	an	outstanding	job	with	their	content.	I	don’t	see	any
conflict	in	recognizing	competing	blogs	to	our	own.	Instead,	I	have	the	view	that
all	ships	 rise	when	 more	attention	 is	 brought	to	 those	 doing	 great	work	 for	 the

   “In	many	cases,	the	winners	of	the	Top	Social	Media	Blog	Contest	have	told
us	that	getting	on	the	list	has	been	a	big	goal	of	their	business,	or	it	has	literally
helped	 propel	 their	 industry	 stature	 and	 authority.	 Of	 course	 this	 drives	 an
enormous	amount	of	interest	and	traffic	to	the	site	but	there	are	other	 benefits.
First,	 it	 helps	 us	 identify	 up-and-coming	 thought	 leaders	 who	 we	 may	 want	 to
have	 on	 our	 podcasts	 or	 speak	 at	 our	 events.	 Second,	 it	 is	 a	 gift	 of	 sorts	 that
establishes	a	lot	of	good	will	with	those	who	are	finalists	and	winners.	Third,	the
winners	 post	 award	 badges	 on	 their	 sites,	 providing	 more	 exposure	 for	 our

   In	 this	 example,	 Social	 Media	 Examiner	 effectively	 helps	 people	 achieve
status	with	its	content,	and	it	sends	their	content	transmission	sky	high.

   Another	 common	 tool	 for	 creating	 personal	 achievement	 through	 content	 is
quizzes,	 which	 explains	 why	 they	 appear	 on	 so	 many	 sites	 that	 depend	 on
advertising	 for	 their	 revenues.	 In	 2014,	 eight	 of	 the	 10	 most-shared	 articles	 on
the	entire	Internet	were	quizzes.	Sharing	positive	or	funny	quiz	results	fuels	our
identity	 and	 ego.	 Others	 learn	 more	 about	 who	 we	 are,	 what	 we	 value,	 and	 our

   MIT	cultural	analyst	Sherry	Turkle11	says	that	people	turn	to	quizzes	to	fulfill
an	 irresistible	 need	 to	 quantify	 the	 human	 condition.	 “Basically,	 we’re	 trying	 to
get	a	number,”	she	said.	“And	people	will	use	a	quiz	to	get	that	number.	It	gives
people	something	to	look	at,	an	object	to	think	with.”	She	adds	that	people	have
always	 loved	 quizzes,	 but	 in	 the	 pre-social	 media	 days,	 we	 primarily	 took	 them
for	ourselves.	“Now	they’re	specifically	for	performance,”	she	said.	“Part	of	the
point	 is	 to	 share	 it	 …	 It’s	 the	 conflation	 of	 who	 you	 are	 and	 who	 thinks	 you’re

   So	 when	 you’re	 making	 quizzes	 for	 your	 audience,	 you’re	 giving	 them	 an
opportunity	to	learn	something	interesting	about	themselves	and	a	chance	to	start
a	conversation	with	their	friends.	It’s	hard	to	say	that	about	a	lot	of	other	forms
of	content.

3.	Make	it	exclusive.
In	 a	 web	 world	 where	 you	 want	 the	 content	 to	 flow	 freely,	 how	 do	 you	 use
exclusivity—holding	content	back—to	your	advantage?

   Information	is	abundant,	and	almost	any	content	can	easily	be	found	for	free.
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