Page 101 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 101

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


make a new folder on my desktop and name it "Operation
Survival." Here I'll save all material related to this project,
including the text file I just created.

I spend the day browsing through discussion forums. In
several cases, I find questions that I can answer. I post my
replies and offer to provide further explanations if they have
additional questions. After a few days of activity, people will
begin recognizing my name.

In addition to questions, I also look for postings by forum
moderators and other leaders. These are influence centers,
the people that other members look up to for answers and
leadership. I want to actively cultivate the friendship and
goodwill of these influence centers.

I open another text file into which I copy the names, email
addresses and website URLs of these leaders. In a few days,
when it's time to form joint ventures, these are the people
I'll contact first.

Day 3: Today I research the final part of my marketing plan.

Q-5 How can I accept payment from customers?

A search for "accept credit cards" at
brings up a lot of possibilities, but it quickly becomes
obvious that most of these are expensive to set up.


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