Page 105 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 105

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


and that's not bad, but I want to make sure I zero in on
things my audience is specifically interested in.

I now have four outlines, each containing 15 to 25 points for
discussion. I don't want to write out a word-for-word script,
because that would sound "canned" and I want to keep it
natural sounding.

I pick a few points and begin talking through them. It flows
freely, so I think I have enough material, but to make sure it
goes smoothly I'll practice the entire series several times
before doing the actual teleseminars.

Day 6-8: Now it's time to write the sales material.

First, I'll need to prepare sales tools that my JV partners can
use. I want to give them a whole pre-written package
containing a sampling of headlines, short ads (20-50 words
each), a couple of sample endorsement letters (200-500
words), and a longer sales letter. I spend 3 days getting
these just right. Naturally, the most time goes into the sales

Twice daily I take a change of pace by browsing through the
forums and mailing lists looking for questions to answer. I
post several replies, and find that one forum moderator has
sent me a private email commenting on the helpfulness of
my postings. I write back, telling him it's a pleasure, and
that I've likewise been impressed with his consistently good,


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