Page 107 - 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
P. 107

30 Days To Internet Marketing Success
                                                                                     by Joe Kumar


depend purely on the quality of the offering. This means I'd
better offer an insanely impressive package, one that a
customer would have to be out of his head to refuse.

I'm going to give my JV partners:

   • A 60% commission on all sales they bring in
   • 4 hours of free phone consulting over the next 30 days
   • A reduced rate on my consulting services after they use

       their 4 free hours
   • Special "Ask Me Your 3 Toughest Questions" offer

       before the event

I'll present the "3 Toughest Questions" item separately as a
last minute add-on. If I sense that a potential partner is
undecided or not quite sure I'm qualified, I'll make this offer.
This is my way of proving to doubters that I know my stuff.

I write two letters, but I won't send them out today.

The first note will be very brief. I mention that I've seen
their posts in such-and-such forum, and I've been impressed
with their solid marketing know-how. Then I mention that
I'm working on a JV idea and ask if they'd be interested in
seeing it. Note that I don't ask if they want to DO the
venture, just whether they'd like to review it.

The second letter is longer. It will be the follow-up letter for
those who say yes, they'd like to look at what I'm doing. In
this letter I outline my proposal. First, I briefly tell what my


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